Saturday, October 24, 2009

Renassaince Faire 2009

We haven't been to the Renassaince Faire in several years so it was time to go back. This time, we went with friends who had never been before. Its always fun to see other people's first reactions to some of the goings on there.

In this picture: Perry, Me, Tori, George and Tina

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Italian Street Painting Festival

Every year we attend this festival and chalk art onto the cement. This is our 16th year. We get the family together and spend the weekend. This includes extended family members who have been coming out with us for multiple years. Last year we included Jared's very talented girlfriend, Chelsea but she wasn't able to make it this year. Since Valerie and Kevin have moved to Richmond, VA, she has not been able to participate either so this is the second year of her missing out.....and of us missing her. This is just a small sampling of what we do in the two days and only a few of the people with us. Since I work at a High School, I usually bring a few students, too. Its a tradition now that I hope we can continue...the problem is Perry and I are getting almost too old to be on our hands and knees doing this sort of thing. The young'ens are going to have to keep this tradition alive.

Valerie's friend Jared Tunison working on his Simpsons-Salvador Dali

His finished work.

Semar Prom's finished work. Tim Burton's Pin Cushion Queen

Val's best friend since Kindergarten, Brianna worked on this one for two days.

This was one of the ones done by our dear friend Stephen Bentley.

And here are Stephen and Brianna getting started on Saturday morning.

This is me working on my Recycling Robot on Sunday.

And here is my finished Recycling Robot.

Caroline did this one. She is married to Jared's best friend, TJ.

Jared's best friend TJ did this one.

Here is Perry working on his. It took him two days to finish. It was 8'x8'.

Here is Jared working on his dinosaur.

And here is Jared's dinosaur finished.

And this is my goofy girl with her toy cow that I did on Saturday.

This is Perry's finished square. Every year he does a "Frazetta."
Frank Frazetta is his all time favorite artist.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Perry and I had some time off together during Spring Break.
We went to Lake of our favorite places.
We stayed at the Horizon Casino Hotel, gambled a bit, won some money.
ate too much....
but had a great trip
Emerald Bay and the Tahoe Queen

The perfect few days with the perfect person.

We drove around the lake with the top down
and the seat heaters on!

The weather was perfect. Not a cloud in the sky.

Just a little bit of snow left.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Jared has a blog for his artwork now

Jared has a blog here now for his artwork. Check it out

Thursday, March 19, 2009

We had a great day in San Francisco for our anniversary.
The weather was perfect and so was the company.
Alcatraz from the pier

Flowers on the pier

The Marina

More flowers

Perry on the pier

The fog was weird...under the bridge
The seals at Pier 39

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tomorrow is March 18th. Perry and I have been married now for 31 years. Time sure flies. Seems like only yesterday we were just starting out. I guess when you are married to the right person one day turns into a week, a week turns into a month, months turn into years and you just keep going on together not really paying too much attention to all the time that has passed. One day, though, BOOM....its been 31 years. The kids are grown and on their own and you are back to being just the two of you again. Thankfully, for us...when we started having only each other to spend time with, we found we still liked each other. Its been a wild ride but I'd not want to experience it with anyone else. He's kind of a good guy. I got really lucky, I think.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

So I'm not quite sure what I'll put on this blog....I have a myspace page and a facebook page and I'm just about up to my eyeballs with all this page stuff....oooh...I also have a yahoo360 page that I set up so I could talk to my cousin Jack's son, Dave who has one of those and invited me in. Nice of him but now I feel like I have to keep that up, too.

I feel like I spend my life at my computer these days but its fun to keep up with everyone via all the different methods. I can tell you though, if I weren't an empty-nester type of person right now things would be a lot different. I'm not sure I'd be able to find the time.

I'm here because Jill, Joy and Jan all have pages here and Joy has deleted her facebook page so this is the best way to keep up with them.